The Rex Barossa Aquatic Fitness, also known as “The Rex," is a friendly and welcoming place for everyone. It's located at 75 Magnolia Road, Tanunda, and has excellent facilities for people of all ages and abilities.
What You Can Do at The Rex
1. Swimming Pools
The Rex is used by Tanunda Physio and Health for aquatic physiotherapy. They hold group therapy sessions here, which are fantastic for making movement easier and for sensory regulation. Children enjoy therapy in the water because it’s more comfortable and fun!
3. Gym
The Rex Barossa Aquatic and Fitness Centre offers a comprehensive Health Club equipped with modern cardio machines, free weights, and a variety of group fitness classes.
4. Great Programs
Safety and Accessibility
The Rex has equipment that ensures accessibility to their aqua facilities.
The staff at The Rex are friendly and ready to help! They make sure everyone feels comfortable, welcome, and safe. The provides a convenient spot to refuel and relax. Offering a variety of options, the kiosk serves freshly brewed coffee, delicious cakes, light meals, snacks, and refreshing drinks.
Final Thoughts
The Rex Barossa Aquatic and Fitness Centre is a beautiful place to swim, exercise, enjoy time in the water and relax over a coffee. It's set up to help everyone feel included and supported, with helpful staff and equipment to make activities accessible.
Note: During our research of the Barossa Fitness and Aquatic Centre we identified language on the website that does not reflect inclusion. We have communicated with the Barossa Council to highlight this and it is understood action will be taken to address it.